Create Talents and Models Review
For all those who think Create Talents a scam, here is the true story.

Hello my name is Teck Chong. People can call me Len. My Hobbies are volleyball, soccer and basically all the sports games. I am currently working as a management consultant.
Do you initially think that Create Talents is a scam?
Honestly, I initially had a first thought that..oh, this might be a scam. But however after going back and think about it and I actually went down to the office and see that they have to offer. And in turns out that it's not a scam because i had a few jobs from them. And, there i am.
What are your experiences as a model here in Create Talents and Models?
I actually have a few experience with M1 Annual Report Photo Shoot. Ambro Bank Photo Shoot. And, a corporate video with a phamatical company.
As well as the Mitsubishi Aircon TV Commercial.
Yes these are a few.
What did you learn during the process of being an model?
Woah I actually learn a lot of things. Like is not easy being a actor or actress. we watch TV, we might say "Oh, this actor is not very good." But, its actually a lot of hard work involved. And the hours are long and you have to bear hot weathers. And is really not easy.
What are the benefits of being in Create Talents and Models?
There are several benefits. Firstly, the agency actually acts as your coordinator. So, they help you to find jobs. Help you to coordinate with the production house. And they actually save a lot of time for me. All i need to do is just to reply my availability. And if i am available, then the deals is on. If not, then, wait for another job.
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