CreateTalentsandModels scam? Listen to Sonia words
If Create Talents scam was real, then this would not have happened to this model.

Can you share of us your experiences as a model?
I have done Loreal activation event. I have also done two McDonalds commercial
and also an Visa ad besides that and other smaller projects
What was the most memorable job you did?
Most memorable job I did was probably the McDonalds ad.
I did two of them because I met many people from other agencies and besides that I also met local celebrities like Narelle and Sandra from Sam Willows and also the crew made it very fun while producing the advertisements. It was easy to work with them. Even though it is long it was still fun.
How do you get to know about us?
I was actually being approached by someone when I was shopping at Orchard. So I was quite hesitant at first but my parents like encouraged me to come for it and I think it’s definitely a great experience. I didn’t regret like coming here.
What are some modelling tips that you have?
You definitely need to sleep early and drink lots of water otherwise your eyes bags like really bad ones. Second be confident. Last but not least like be yourself. It’s the most important thing
What did you learn during the process of model?
I would definitely be more patient because sometimes it takes lot of tries to get the perfect shot and have a lot of energy because it makes everything much easier and makes everything more fun and more enjoyable.
What is the difference after being a model in Create Talents?
There is a difference just a bit only because of the McDonalds ad my friends notice me more. Next time when I go to school they will be like ‘hey I saw you on the ad last night while watching tv’.They always make fun of me especially for the satay burger ad
but yea it is fun.
What are your Guilty pleasures, food wise?
Eating because I eat anything I want when I crave for something. I love burgers and steaks. People think I eat salads and stuff but actually I hate vegetables.
Who is your role model?
For model will be GiGi hadid because she is not those typical skinny model.She has some fats but she still can wovk those clothes on the runway.
How has modeling benefited you?
I gain more exposure and I know how all this works like whenever I look through a magazine like I see a photoshoot I know the behind scenes, I know how it works. I also expand my social circle and yes I still keep in touch with some of the talents.
Do you initially think that we were scam?
No because my parents supported me. They encouraged me to come for this and after I joined I had many projects. Yea.
What have we done that makes biggest difference for you?
I used to have stage fright but after doing many projects like being watched while doing things behind the camera. It made me a lot more confident so now that I can go up stage and do something without being scared or nervous.
For all the projects you have done do you think that you are satisfied with?
Yes I am satisfied because all the projects I have done is fun and enjoyable and I like it a lot because it is easy for me to do.
If you are not a model what other jobs you will be doing instead?
If I am not a model, I will become a vet because I love animals. Because since young I have like pets at home and I have grown to love them.
Is there anything that you would like to add?
Overall I am like satisfied what I have done so far and I hope that there will be more projects for me to do because I love doing all these kinds of things.
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