Kids Modeling Agency - Testimonial by Ysobel & Lucas

00:37:00 Unknown 0 Comments

In this lively Create Talents and Models testimonial review, we have a brother and sister duo joining us for their testimonial interview. They are both from the Philippines and have done a couple of kid modeling projects.

Hi, Kids! Please introduce yourselves to us.

Lucas: Hello! I am Lucas, and I am five-years-old. I’m a Kindergarten student and I’m from the Philippines. My hobby is reading; I like to read Disney books.

Ysobel: Hello! My name is Ysobel, I am ten-years-old. I’m a primary school student, and I come from the Philippines. My favorite hobby is reading; I like reading ghost stories.

How did you feel the first time you tried modeling?
Lucas: The first time I felt shy, after that I met a lot of friends and playmates and also had fun.
Ysobel: I felt shy and nervous. After my project, I felt relieved and it was a good experience.

What do you like about modeling?
Lucas: I like the hairstyling and dressing up.
Ysobel: I like looking pretty and the photographs.

What are your modeling experiences so far?
Lucas: I did a Dutch Lady video shoot.
Ysobel: I did a Suntec Kids Fashion show and the ‘Kids say the Darndest things’ video shoot.

What are your most favorite experiences?
Ysobel: My favorite experience is the ‘Kids say the Darndest things’ video-shoot. I had been asked questions and I had to play around. My favorite part of the shoot is that I get a free gift at the end.
Lucas: I got a flashlight on my head and I must run through the tunnel and I got to play with foam.

What did you learn from your experiences so far?
Ysobel: I learned to do different poses and be more confident of myself.
Lucas: I learned to be less nervous and I also learned to be more confident.

What do you look forward to in Create Talents and Models?
Ysobel: I look forward to being involved in Fashion shows and Commercials.
Lucas: I want to be in more photo shoots and video shoots.

What did your family and friends say when they saw your modeling work?
Ysobel: When my relatives saw my modeling, they congratulated me and said I did a good job and I looked pretty.
Lucas: My friends and my family saw my Dutch Lady advertisement and my friends and family said excellent to me.

What makes you feel comfortable about working with Create Talents and Models?
Ysobel: I feel comfortable working with the people in Create Talents because they are friendly. I really like the makeup artist because they make me feel comfortable and confident whenever I’m around her.
Lucas: I like the Photographer because they take good pictures of me.


Casting Calls for Modeling: Do's and Don’ts

01:30:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Every so often we have casting call opportunities opening up at Create Talents and Models and many model hopefuls and talent potential flock to our agency to try their hand in these casting calls, and compete to clinch the job opportunities.

Casting calls can be a nerve wreck-inducing affair and a stressful process for any model let alone a new model. Casting calls are the main job interviews for models and determine their procurement of modeling jobs. Only the best few are selected from the many who apply.
It is important to know how to minimize errors and perform at casting calls or audition to the utmost perfection. In this article, we outline some of the best tips to handle a casting call and how you can be one of those selected.

The Do’s - Important Advice
Only the best models who appeal to the client gets through the selection process.  

Prepare, Prepare, Prepare
No challenge is won without proper preparation. Things you need to make sure are ready in advance are your comp card or equivalent CV, your outfit to wear for the audition which should be suitable and complementing your body figure and size. You dress should also befit the theme of the audition, for example, there is a big difference between a fashion and commercial job. You should also prepare a small makeup and touch up kit, even for men, essentials such as comb, facial wash, face wipes, brushes, and foundation powder can be included. You are most likely going to wait for some time, and depending on the environment your skin might get affected over time. Have a kit ready to touch up your looks every now and then.

Also, practice some key poses and runway walking which you might be asked to do. A simple Google or YouTube search will highlight to you immediately what a professional model agency is expecting.

Part of preparation entails a good amount of research as well, knowing the job type you're interviewing for, understanding the requirements and the agency’s preferences will be vital as well.

Mind your health
Days before your audition are the crucial time where you have to be mindful of your overall health. You should be getting the adequate 8 hours of sleep at night and drinking at least 8 glasses a day with a well-balanced diet. Surely vices such as alcohol and partying must be avoided as much as possible.

Be at your appointment 15 to 30 minutes in advance. Being late is a sign of disrespect and can severely diminish your chances of passing through the interview. Plan your schedule in advance. Search the location and plan your traveling ahead as well.

Most likely you are going to be busy filling your interview form and preparing yourself physically and mentally for the casting audition. You need some leeway time to do this. Going on the dot might mean that you have to rush through the preparation part. Also, it is good for you to give the impression that you respect the timing of the modeling agency and are likely to give commit your time well to the modeling jobs assigned to you.

The Don’ts - What Not to do at a Casting Call?

Don’t bring along too many unnecessary accomplices
You are the most important person that is going to be assessed. Unless you are below 16 years old, you shouldn’t be bringing along your family, friends or your relationship partners. They will be an unnecessary distraction for the agency staff and casting directors. You should as far as possible come in alone, and bring along your confidence.

Don’t make silly excuses
During the process of audition and casting, some people tend to make up excuses for certain reasons why they can’t act or walk properly etcetera. Casting directors are usually patient and they are aware of your nervousness and wouldn’t mind if you took your time instead of rushing through the audition. If you need to redo something, don’t make excuses, simply start over patiently. This usually a better response than giving bad excuses triggering negative emotions such as anger or hate for you.

Don’t wear haute couture to a casting call for a TV commercial casting
Wearing appropriately cannot be stressed further. Unless your casting call is for a high fashion editorial magazine, or a runway shoot avoid unnecessary extravagance in your outfit. In doubt, simple jeans and t-shirt would actually be more than perfect. Casting directors are there to look at you and not your outfit. The outfits you have to wear for your modeling jobs will have been prepared and directors will want to see if you suit it, without too much distraction. Be natural, simple and confident, and that would go a long way to your eventual success.

Bonus Tip: Find ways to relax, take long breaths, keep calm and confidently pose with your body. This is perhaps the most important factor that a model needs to be successful at casting. If your mind is hasty, your body will show it. Be calm, and it’s okay if you fail, there’s always another time for you to try! Here at Create Talents and Models, we always have plenty of clients and job offers streaming in, so keep an eye out for announcements by following us on our social media pages!

Follow these tips to easily increase your chances. Oh, and don’t forget to bring your Alpha smile and confidence to the audition as well!


Create Talents and Models Review – Female Model Anneliese W

22:29:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Gorgeous female model Anneliese who balances between tertiary education at SIM and modeling at Create Talents speaks out in this review! She’s one of our most successful models who worked with big corporate guns like AIA, HSBC, CapitaLand and Tiger Beer. You definitely want to check out what she has to say about modeling!

Please give us a short introduction of yourself.
Hi, I’m Anneliese, I’m 21-years-old this year. I’m a student in SIM. I like to watch movies and I come from China.

How did you get to know us?
I knew Create Talents because I was walking at Somerset like a few years ago and a girl approached me and gave me a black color card. Then I thought it’s not real at the first time. Then I got people to call me to ask me to go for the interview and I went. I love modeling is because I can earn a lot of experience and make a lot of friends.

What are the projects you have done at Create Talents and Models?
I did several projects in Create Talents, got AIA, Insurance, CapitaLand, HSBC, Tiger Beer, and the distribution events.

What is your most favorite project you have done so far?
Tiger Beer is my favorite project because during the project I got to make a lot of friends and we can eat and enjoy the view at East Coast. So yes, I feel its very fun.

How do you find the people at Create Talents?
All the people in Create Talents, they all are very young, and they’re very nice to work with and my booker is very nice.

What do you look forward to doing as a model?
I look forward to being involved in all kinds of projects in Create Talents because I want to earn more experience and friends.

What would you like to say to a model aspiring to join Create Talents and Models?

Just take a step forward and trust the company. Create Talents is a very capable company and be confident. 

Here's the YouTube link of Anneliese testimonial.  


4 Good Reasons tell why should you Become a Model

19:01:00 Unknown 0 Comments

We as modeling agency, having seen a variety of models, know that there are certain reasons as to why you should choose to model as a career or even as a part-time job you commit to every now and then.

In this article, we get slightly philosophical and analyze the benefits of being a model. Many would list multiple reasons such as money, fame, vanity, self-adoration, etcetera as to their reason for choosing to model.

Regardless of your modeling category, modeling has benefits that it can impart on those who choose to pursue it. We tell you what they are.

1.    Confidence
Are you shy or afraid of the public eye and prefer to hide in oblivion like a Hermit crab in its shell? Well not facing your fears only gives it space to grow and get control over you. If you want to improve as a person in any endeavor, confidence in your skin and your ability to present yourself to people is going to be an inevitable and a vital part of your progression.
Modeling not only teaches you to be confident in your body but also works it creatively to suit a mood, style or creative direction. This enables you to feel and express your body in ways you might have never imagined. Just think about the models from Victoria’s Secret you see walking on the runway with their bust out, and wings on their shoulders. That is the kind of energy you want to learn to portray even if you are innately a shy person.

2.    Develop your Artistic Interests
Do you want to act, dance, or sing and get paid for it? Well, there are certain types of modeling, especially commercial and advertising models who are needed with such artistic talents. Of course, they don’t require you to be a master in the field but this is certainly a place where you can start performing the basics of the art and gain some experience and exposure, and get paid for it as well! Just request the modeling agency you sign up to for the types of assignment that suit your interest and wait it out patiently.

Good modeling agencies have the right contacts and abilities to hook you up with assignments you want. But if you are just starting out as a model, don’t get too picky at the start.  Gain the necessary experiences and build up your portfolio properly first; the assignments you desire will soon come your way.

3.    Flexible Time and Scheduling
Modeling, unlike most jobs, can be tailored to fit your schedule as per your availability. A modeling agency would be good at working out timings that mutually satisfy you and the client. In this industry, you have the liberty of choosing or dropping assignments as per your timing specifications. So fret not about having to forego your other life responsibilities.

4.    Travel and International Opportunities
These are great times in the fashion industry where models are taken in from all over the world. If you do work hard and establish yourself to become a skilled model, then you will start seeing the opportunities to work overseas, which means, you get to travel as well! The best part is you get paid for it. This is, of course, lucrative and will get the nerves tingling, but it’s important to know that you have to build yourself up to become a skilled and attractive model before you start seeing such opportunities. Be ready for the challenges and overcome them first!

Anyone with the interest to become a model should immediately give it a try and not hesitate. You never know how much in demand your look may be, and how good of a model you are until you give it a shot. So come down to Create Talents and Models if you have been convinced by the benefits of being a model!