Best Beauty and Skin Tricks for Singapore Models

Some of our Singapore models have the most flawless skin and very well maintained features. We were curious as to why so many of us Singaporeans suffer from acne and other skin problems as result of the bad weather and environmental conditions, but we often bump across people and models with the cleanest and clear look as well. So we dug in to the matter and got some opinions from our models. Using which, we drew up some very practical ways using cheap daily household items that models can use to improve their looks!

Green Tea Bags

Green tea comes with numerous health benefits, and it is mainly drunk to lose weight. However, something that is less commonly known is the use of green tea bags on your eye bags to reduce puffiness. Just put a warm green tea bag under your eyes, and your eye bags, puffiness, and dark circles will disappear.

Clear Skin
Another trick using a household item is the use of baking soda. If your face is rife with acne and scars this small trick may help you out. Mix water with baking soda, and apply it on your face. 

Remember to wash your face clean before you start. Apply the mixture on areas you have problems and let it rest 5 minutes. Don’t leave it on too long, as baking soda is a pretty strong agent, and may harm the skin if left on for too long. You need to very careful while using this product.

Trick to Using a Concealer 
Heard of a concealer triangle? We see it pretty often with Singapore models; they just instinctively rub the concealer in circles on the dark spots. This isn’t actually effective. Instead, create a triangle with your concealer on that area helps the spot to blend in with the skin more, and give an overall natural and radiant look.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a rarely known product that treats your skin and prevents it from a host of problems such as infections and acne. Main ingredients such as hydroxyl acid alpha which help to remove dead skin cells and found in expensive facial products are present in apple cider vinegar. All you need to do is to dilute some apple cider vinegar in water (1 parts vinegar with 2 or 3 parts water) because of it being strongly acidic in nature it shouldn’t be applied by itself.

Charcoal Acne Mask
Another Home D.I.Y which is incredibly healthy for your skin is creating an organic charcoal face mask, which clears your face of dirt without making it dry, and leaves it feeling soft and energized. 

All you need is a charcoal pill, tea tree oil (especially for sensitive skin) and clear aloe vera gel. Uncap one pill; mix with a little aloe, and 5 drops of tea tree oil (not more than 5 to not disrupt effects of charcoal). You can simply mix and apply on your face for about 15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water afterwards, and wipe dry.

There you have it, simple tips and tricks for Singapore models to follow and see a remarkable difference to their overall look. A gentle reminder that any natural treatment takes a long time but it leaves your skin much healthier in the long run. Don’t try everything at once. Give your skin at least a week break, free from chemicals, before trying another new treatment. Hope to see your pretty face soon J

What’s the Difference between Agency Interviews and Casting Calls?

Agency interviews are usually held in the modeling agency, while casting calls in their client’s place or the model agency itself, thus sometimes confuses people who don’t understand the difference. In both cases, the ultimate aim is to get noticed by the agency and be offered jobs; however, there are certain key differences that this article will illuminate upon.

•    Casting calls are usually for those who are interested in a one-off project or event, but modeling agency interviews are for those looking to be signed by the agency and being offered multiple projects.
•    Casting calls are sometimes kept open to the public which means anyone interested in modeling can attend and give modeling a shot. Agency interviews are akin to a job application and would require the potential candidate to apply in a professional way with a resume, cover letter and properly taken photographs. Only selected people will be called down to the agency for an interview.

•    Casting calls are held for multiple numbers of people at one go with multiple competitors eyeing for the same job, but model agency interviews are one-on-one and more personalized.

•    Casting calls are fast drawn processes designed to interview multiple candidates in a short time frame; usually, all you need to do is to submit your basic background information, and a few photographs. 
Model Agency interviews, on the other hand, can range from 30 minutes to more than an hour. Depending on how interested the agency is in the model and how far they want to assess. They may ask complex questions and even work on modeling poses as well.

•    Casting calls occur in a specific time frame on a specified day where the public is informed in a mass shout-out. However, agency interviews are scheduled with the model potential and arranged by appointment.

•    The attire for casting calls is recommended to be and almost always casual and simple, while agency interviews may have specified dress codes and may not always be simple and casual.

Having highlighted the differences there are also some similarities between casting calls and agency interviews. Both of them consider punctuality as a prerequisite for acquiring the job. Always bring along someone if you are below eighteen no matter the agency you have applied for is well established or not. However, use your best judgment and bring them along only till the front gate for safety’s sake.

Another similarity is that both of the sessions will ask you basic questions and show some modeling poses in all likelihood, so ensure you are prepared for them.

The main difference is that people who attend casting calls do so to gain some experience, and get noticed by the modeling agency easily. They are most likely testing their fate for a future possibility in modeling and have a certain level of passion for it. Agency interviews are usually for those who are truly serious about a career in modeling and are looking to get signed by an agency. This, of course, depends on their credentials and whether they get selected by the agency.

If you are truly passionate about modeling, signing with an agency would be the better way forward for you. Now that you know the differences between casting calls and agency interviews, determine your ultimate goals in modeling and make a wise choice!

Best Fashion Tips for Male Models

The tough requirements to be met for male models may be perhaps one major deterrent. Fret not as we espouse some major Fashion tips that will prove highly useful.

Something that all men are probably guilty of is not looking after their skin, and even worse, believing that it’s only a female thing. Well, FYI if you want to become a model, you need to start looking appealing, and skin care plays an indispensable role in this endeavor.
Top Male model David Gandy reveals in an interview that one of his secrets is skin care in three simple steps, which are to exfoliate, using serum and moisturizer. Three simple, yet powerful and effective steps which models and males who wish to look good should religiously follow. If you have five minutes to brush your teeth, then you have five minutes to care for your skin. Your future self will thank you for it.

For exfoliating there are plenty of natural ways to do that, else any dermatologically tested exfoliant will work fine. Next in choosing a serum, make sure you are using a water-based serum which is thin enough to seep into your skin and stay below your moisturizing cream. The serum is a concentrated mixture of active ingredients that will effectively target and remove any skin concerns. Lastly, models will swear by the benefits of a moisturizer. For dry skin and humid weather conditions (Think of an outdoor shoot with thick clothing) this can dramatically impact the skin structure. Using a moisturizer prevents the drying of skin, reduces wrinkles and reduces the aging effect.

Pay attention to your accessories
Also, another advice from Gandy is to wear the perfect accessories. Unlike the plethora of accessories that women can wear, with various colored styles, men don’t have the extravagance of many accessories. So we have to wear what we can to perfection. Our shoes, watch, ties and fragrance are all the accessories that we need to invest in well so as to create the best look we can. This is a good tip for all males let alone models.


Male models need not be bulked up like the hulk, but there is a need to be toned and fit. You don’t have to be grinding at the gym, but you have to be doing your cardio workout and spending time on light weights to tone the shape of your muscles.

The saying when you look good you feel good, works the other way round too. Confidence for men is non-negotiable. Male models, especially those who show off more of their skin, are usually employed not just because they look good promoting a men’s line of clothing or product, but also because clients want to associate their products to strength and confidence. As a male model, your body posture and facial features should thus tally accordingly.

Male models should work on their looks, skin and confidence just as hard as their female counterparts to have more successful male models in the industry. By following our tips and working hard enough, the standards of male modeling can only go one way, up!

5 Simple Poses to Get Started with Modeling

It’s time to throw away the misconception that looking good is enough for Singapore model to succeed. There is definitely a need to be equipped with the proper techniques to flaunting your body as well. Mastering various different poses is necessary in order to stand out from the crowd. If you are an aspiring model or see yourself in modeling in the future, then get up from your seat, go to a mirror and practice these poses!

Try a Good Portrait Photograph

Usually, hands are not used in portraits, but if used well can create a very seductive appeal. Don’t grab your neck or face with your hands. Touch your cheeks and lips lightly with your finger tips and open your mouth slightly. This provides a subtle attractive appeal to your portrait photo.

Simple and Elegant

Turn your body slightly to the side with the hands in your back pocket. If you find that uncomfortable you can simply place your hands on your hips.

Sensual Pose

Put your hands above your head and make the S shape with your body showing off your curves.

Full Height and Body Pose

This is a simple yet powerful pose quintessential for female models. Body curved in an S shape, with one hand on one hip and the other hand stretched out straight, leaning the weight on the side where the hand is on the hip. Let the hair loose and flow down on the leaning side, this will add beauty to the pose.

Use a Wall

Simply rest your upper back against a wall, with one leg on the ground and the other on the wall in a relaxed posed. You may choose to use the wall to put your hand and legs with your creativity.

Looking good in person alone doesn’t make someone a model. To be part of the Singapore model a photogenic and camera friendly look is necessary. This can be trained and cultivated by mastering the modeling poses and runway walking. With enough hard work, you may become a model too!

Top 4 Tips for Male Models

We all know female models have strict and complex beauty regimes with the moisturizing, make up wonders, and many other beauty treatments to get them looking on top of their game. Men are not any different, they are expected to maintain beauty regimes and take care of their overall skin and health. Master the following tips we are about to provide you, because these come from the experiences we have had with our own male models, and it will surely help you to develop yourself as a model.

Find your Style

You have to do your own research on popular male models, and practice the poses and style that brings the best out of your body and look. Some men prefer the casual, messy hair look, whereas others go for the sleek and professional suit-tuxedo look. You have to find out what fits you the best and let the agency you join know your style preferences.

Train Harder than the Next Guy

No pain no gain. Building up your physical fitness and being confident in your body is a must for male models. One pro tip is to have a music player loaded with fast and energetic songs. To train hard by pushing yourself at the gym is important, but remember to mix up your training routine with different types of exercises like swimming, running, other kinds of sports, yoga and a variety of others. For male models, it’s more important to have a lean and well-toned body than a muscular and bulky body.

Get your Diet Right
You have to complement your training with the right foods. Lean meats, green vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds are perfect for before and after workouts. Remove processed foods and foods that high in salt, sodium, and sugar from your diet. If you want your skin looking clear, then your food has to be clean too. 

Choose the Right Agency
You have to get into an agency that grooms male models and is established successfully with a good client base. An experienced agency will know how to pair you with the right kind of projects that guides your progress in the industry. You must also like the people you are working with. Once you sign up with an agency, the people from the front desk to the backstage crew will be interacting and working with you. You must be familiar and socialize well with their staff.

Work out, eat healthy will help you get comfortable with your body and get more confident. That is the top most vital component of a good male model. They have the necessary confidence to pose in front of the camera knowing that their posture and look will be captured well on the lens.

Follow Create Talents and Models on Facebook & Instagram to get more of such useful modeling tips!

Christmas Exclusive: The Elegant Hands of Han S and Bonnie Y Light up FairPrice’s Christmas Catalog

It’s Christmas time again and we are extremely delighted that our models Bonnie Y and Han S are featured in FairPrice’s ‘Finest Christmas Catalog’ Hand Shoot. Bonnie and Han’s beautiful and supple hands have been featured in a few print advertisements throughout the catalog. So what is hand modeling? What are the behind-the-scenes efforts that our models went through?

Clients first choose the model through a casting call where they assess whether the model has camera-friendly elegant hands. They look out for features like the shape of nails, birthmarks, freckles, clean nails, wrist size, thumb size, and knuckle size. These are important aspects of a hand because the hand should not interfere with the product being advertised. For example, in female hands, they look for a small wrist, plain clean nails, and depending on the type of product the length of fingers too. For luxury products usually longer nails with striking polish may be preferred to add glamour, whereas for regular household products regular or short fingers which doesn’t attract too much attention is preferred. 

Patience and endurance are crucial and is demanded in hand modeling shoots. One of the hardest shots seen is the champagne advertisement. Firstly the time of the day is important and the amount of light you want only comes at a certain afternoon/evening time of the day. You have just a few hours of that time to take a good shot. You can also see how precise and intricately placed the objects are in the setup. The pink foam seen also subsides after some time, so after pouring the champagne, the shot must be taken fast. 

The ‘clinking glasses’ effect which is ritually performed when people drinking with each together say ‘cheers’ is also seen. This means that one glass must be held in a tilted angle towards the other glass. Don’t forget the champagne is being poured at the same time, so you should be getting the rough idea of how hard it was to execute this shot, feels our model Bonnie Y.

If you still think, it’s just showing hand it’s very easy work, then think again, because something as small as a minor cut on your hand can mean you losing your job. More than keeping your hand free of cuts or blemishes you have to maintain it properly too. Using moisturizers and gloves a few days before the shoot is a must.

Take it from the male model Han S himself who says during his testimonial interview, “When you see a poster with the hands in it, it looks very simple but actually behind the scenes it’s a lot of work to be done. Like they have to arrange the tables, adjust the lighting, you know the position, here and there and we have to, basically, we have to do manicure and pedicure for the actual shoot. We have to apply moisturizer on our hands all these. So certain angles have to be very cautious. So behind the scenes actually lots of work to put in.”

The catalog from FairPrice includes many of FairPrice’s products and specials for Christmas. Do browse through the catalog while checking out our hand models. You will definitely see some items you will need for Christmas at the same time!

Hand modeling as tough as it sounds is a unique experience. You get to learn about the complexities of video shooting and make good money for a few hours of shoot. Hand models are always in demand and clients are always looking out for them, so if you have supple skinned and flawless hands, join us now and receive such projects for your hands too!

Winter Beauty Tips for Singapore Models

Singapore models who are traveling in winter conditions will especially be more vulnerable to the harsh cold weather conditions that can dry out and affect the skin, hair, and overall beauty. Here are some suggestions on how you can winter-proof your beauty.

‘This is the season to be jolly! The winter season is here and you may be traveling around the world for these holidays. Even while Singapore’s weather is nothing like the winter conditions of Europe, it’s nonetheless getting colder even here in Singapore with the rainy season upon us.

Drying of Skin

The main issue with cold weather conditions is the drying out of your skin easily. This can lead to multiple problems of drying around your body. Notice sensitive areas such as your elbows, hands, facial skin, eyes, lips and heels of your feet for signs of cracking, flakiness and chapping. You have to take action in this case, and it’s also better to avoid the occurrence. Carry around with you, oil based moisturizers rather than water-based to enable stronger moisture retention. Apply it on the dry and sensitive areas of your body every day. If you are going out for more than half hour a day, and expect to be under the sun or exposed to the wind on your face or body, use a moisturizer, balm or cream with an SPF value of higher than 30.

Hair Care

Frizzy hair can get worse in cold weather conditions with the buildup of negative ions. Flakiness, itchiness dandruff can happen as a result of this.  Treating your hair right is crucial to protect from the frosty weather. You can try using a mild shampoo anti-dandruff shampoo and use a conditioner to balance the ph levels of your hair. Use a comfortable brush to lightly brush your hair every day to be careful not to injure the scalp.

Reddening of Skin

Cold weather can dilate and constrict blood vessels in different parts of your body, that’s why you may observe that some people may have reddening in their nose, eyes or cheeks during cold weathers. If the reddening is bad, get yourself indoors and heat up before you have to go outdoors again. Using a warm compress on the reddish areas will speed up the clearing of reddening. 

Keep the Basics in Check

There a few basic pointers you need to jot down Singapore models. Drink plenty of clean water for keeping the natural moisture in your body. If you know you are visiting someplace cold, get good cashmere or thick fabric that comforts your body. Boots, gloves, leather jackets and anything else that can provide you style and comfort is good for your trip. On top of that, when showering or washing your face use lukewarm water instead of hot water even though it may feel good. Hot water can dehydrate your skin more than usual. 

Singapore models, hope you are well informed of how to maintain your beauty this winter. Have a jolly good time these holidays, because now you can enjoy the cold weather with complete protection!